Monday, February 27, 2012

Week of February 27th

We have a slow week on homework again. We're nearing the end of a short unit and we're going to be doing some extra problem solving, so not a lot of homework. However, it is a review week for reading so the spelling words are a bit harder since they are all sight words. You may want to have your child practice spelling a little extra since they won't have to do math homeowork.

Also, if you will not be able to attend your scheduled conference time, please let me know as soon as possible. I need to have conferences completed by the end of this week, so my schedule gets tighter each day. Any advance notice is greatly appreciated.

Reminder: No school for students on Friday, March 2nd or Monday, March 5th.

Important Dates This Week:
Homework: 7.5 on Monday (fact triangles)
Library and Check-Out: Tuesday
Spanish: Wednesday
LONG WEEKEND, no school Friday or Monday

Monday, February 20, 2012

Week of February 20th

Conferences are Thursday of this week and Tuesday of next week. I plan to send report cards home on Wednesday of this week. Please look for them with your child's things on that day. If you have any questions about the report card please write them down and we can discuss them during your child's conference time.

Important Dates This Week:
Homework: 7.1 on Monday (fact triangles only), 7.3 on Wednesday and 7.4 on Thursday.
Library and Check-Out: Tuesday
Spanish: Tuesday and Friday

Monday, February 13, 2012

Week of February 13th

Our Valentine's Day party is tomorrow at 2:45. If you are sending snacks for the party or your child is giving valentines to the class, please make sure to send them to school with your child tomorrow morning. Please let me know if you have any questions.

We are finishing up unit 6 of math and easing into unit 7. As we do this there will not be a need for homework, so we will have a week without homework. I hope everyone enjoys the homework vacation :)

Important Dates this Week:
Homework: No homework this week
Library and Check-Out: No library due to the Valentine's Party - we will check out before school as students finish morning work...please send books back on Tuesday as usual
Spanish: Wednesday

Monday, February 6, 2012

Week of February 6th

Our class is in need of a parent volunteer for our Valentine's Day Party. One volunteer is enough, but 2 is always appreciated. Our party is on Tuesday the 14th at 2:45. Please let me know if you are able to help out.

Conferences Schedule: Students are bringing blue conference schedule notes home today. Please retrun the bottom of these sheets to school as soon as possible. I know I have already talked with some of you about conference times, but please send the sheet back anyway.

Valentine Cards - Students are bringing home a note about Valentine Cards for our party as well as a list of student names. If you would please put names on cards before bringing them to school, that woudl be very helpful. Please let me know if you are unable to send Valentine Cards with your child or if you have any questions.

Important Dates this Week:
Early Dismissal on Wednesday
Homework: 6.9 on Tuesday, 6.10 on Wednesday, and 6.11 (fact triangles) on Thursday
Library and Check-Out: Tuesday
Spanish: Tuesday and Friday