Monday, November 8, 2010

Week of November 8th

I have not received responses from some of you about your conference time. I will be sending new notes home with those whom I still have not heard from. Please send these back to school tomorrow or as soon as possible so we can get our conference night schedule confirmed. Thank you.

Also, we have a field trip next Monday, November 15th from 9:00-2:00. We are still looking for volunteers to go with us. We need at least 2 more parents to go along or the museum may not let us come. If you are interested in going with us on Monday, please contact me as soon as possible.

Also, if you have not yet sent back the yellow slip to let us know whether your child will be having a sack lunch from school or will be bringing their lunch on Monday for the field trip, I will be sending a new one home and need this back tomorrow. If no note is returned I will assume that your child will be eating a school sack lunch.

We will have homework 3.12 on Wednesday.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.