Sunday, August 28, 2011

Week of August 29th

I hope that all of your children have had a great first week of school.

A reminder that we are having our 1st Grade Parent Information Night on Tuesday from 6-6:30. We will be meeting in room 116 and combining parents from all 3 classrooms. I hope to see you all there.

I've been very impressed with the students as they've begun to learn our Daily 5 routine. We have been working on learning to do "Read to Self". Your child now knows 3 ways to read a book and can sit quietly and independently read for 10 minutes. We will keep practicing until they are reading independently for 20 minutes. This week we will also be introducing the Daily 5's "Work on Writing" over the course of the week.

We've also been working on story problems in math each day. We're working on being able to explain the thought processes used when solving a story problem. We will be doing this all year.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me by phone or email. Have a great week!