Our class has had a student teacher since the beginning of the school year. She will be ending her student teaching early and moving to a new school. The students did not get a chance to say goodbye to her. Most of the students seem to be handling it fine, but please let me know if your child is troubled by her sudden absence.
This week we will be working on reviewing our math for unit 2. We are going to spend time working with clocks, money and number models (1+2=3). These are all difficult concepts for our first graders throughout the year. We only have one homework assignment this week. On the other days it would be great to have your child practice these three difficult concepts.
- To practice with the clock: You can get out the paepr clock that we made and sent home a few weeks ago. Ask your child to show you times at the hour. You can also show them times to the hour and ask them to identify the time for you.
- To practice with money: If you have pennies and nickels at home, you can ask your child to count various combinations. You can also ask them to practice trading 5 pennies for a nickel. I have a top-it game that I will be sending home on Tuesday. It willhelp with counting combinations of pennies and nickels. It won't be homework that needs to be sent back to school, but I would like for students to play at least one game a night. It's a quick fun way to practice counting money.
- To practice number models: Make up story problems for your child while you are doing things at home. For example, if you are having chicken nuggets for dinner you could make up the problem: "I have 5 chicken nuggets and (student's name) has 4 chicken nuggets. How many chicken nuggets do we have?" or "(Student's name) has 6 chicken nuggets and he eats 2 of them. How many chicken nuggest does he have now?" Then, ask them to write the number model that goes with the problem. Such as 4+5=9 or 6-2=4. I will have some other ideas and games that you can use to help with number models in the weeks to come. Please let me know if you need or want more ideas before that.
I appreciate all of the help and support that you give your child. Please let me know if you have any questions about the suggestions I made above, or if you would like some more ideas. Any extra practice students can get at home will help with making them successful in school.
Important Dates for this Week:
Early Dismissal Wednesday, October 12th at 1:30.
Homework:2.12 on Monday, Top-It game Tuesday-Friday
Library and Check-Out: We will not have library class this week due to check-out. Please send books to school and I will let students go check-out as they bring books back throughout the week.
Spanish: Tuesday and Friday