Reminder about sending money to school with students. If a child brings money to school it should be used for the school store, popcorn, book orders, or lunch accounts. Students should not bring money to school for any other reason.
We have been having problems with students buying things for friends or giving their money to other students. We have a rule that any money brought to school needs to stay in student backpacks and lockers and that it is not to be given away for any reason. If you send money to school with your child please make sure that they know exactly what it is to be used for. Also, please remind them that any change or unused money needs to stay in their backpack so it can go home and is not to be given away.
Thank you for your help with reminding students of this rule.
Important Dates for this Week:
Homework:5.1 on Tuesday, 5.2 on Wednesday, and 5.3 on Thursday
Library and Check-Out: Tuesday
Spanish: Monday and Thursday