Monday, April 16, 2012

Week of April 16th

This week is a review week in reading. We will be breaking our unit test into smaller pieces and testing a little bit everyday and taking it with paper and pencil. We usually do this test in one day and take it on the computer. Last week we took a weekly test this same way and the students scored much better than they have been. If you have any questions about the testing please let me know.

There will be no challenge spelling words this week. The regular words are harder during a review week and it would benefit all students to practice the words on the regular list a little more than usual this week.

Important Dates this Week:
1:30 Early Dismissal on Wednesday, April 18th
Homework: 9.2 Monday, 9.3 Tuesday, 9.4 Thursday
Library and Check-Out: Tuesday
Spanish: Tuesday and Friday