Monday, March 1, 2010

Week of March 1

*Reminder that there is no school on Friday of this week.

We check-out books on Tuesday this week.

Our only homework this week will be a game called Coin Top-It. I'll be sending this home attached with a letter about how to play the game. Nothing needs to be returned to school, but I ask that you have your child play this game at least once every night this week as their homework. Many students are needing extra practice with counting money and this game is a fun way to get some of that practice.

Also, we are going to be making a woodlands in our classroom. We are collecting old newspapers that we can use for papier mache. I'm not sure just how much we'll need, so if we can collect newspapers for a week that will hopefully be enough.

I'm also looking for really large, or tall and skinny cardboard boxes. We'll be making tree trunks out of these, so the taller the better. I'm going to look into getting some of the boxes from the can shed, because I think one and a half or two of these would be about the right size. I've never been to the can shed before, if you know how much they charge for those boxes will you please email me. Thank you.

As always, let me know if you have any questions :) Thank you for all of your help!